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Transitioning from Dentures to Dental Implants

October 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — yenzerdental @ 8:53 pm

Implant-supported upper dentureIf you’re ready to swap your dentures for dental implants, you’re making a great investment. An implant denture replaces the tooth roots and the crowns to create a prosthetic that closely looks and feels like your real teeth. Not to mention, they have over a 95% success rate and can last for 30 years or more. However, you can expect a brief transition when receiving your new set of chompers. Don’t worry, here’s how to adapt to implant dentures quickly.

1. Manage Any Discomfort

Implant posts are surgically placed into your jawbone to act as new tooth roots. Sedation or anesthesia is used to keep you comfortable during your surgery. After the effects of any medications wear off, you can experience pain, bruising, and swelling for 3-4 days. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever and apply a cold compress to manage your discomfort and inflammation.

2. Watch What You Eat

Although you can’t wait to try out your new teeth, you can’t put any pressure on them just yet. Your jaw must fuse to the posts through a process called osseointegration, which can fail if you eat foods that require a lot of chewing right away. Your implant dentist will instruct you to follow a liquid diet for 1-2 weeks. Afterward, you must eat soft foods for several weeks.

3. Speaking Clearly Takes Practice

Your dentures will be anchored to your jawbone, so you won’t have to worry about them moving or falling out when speaking. However, your words might sound slurred at first as your mouth adjusts to them. Singing and reading out loud will give you plenty of practice, so you’ll be speaking clearly in no time.

4. Don’t Forget to Brush and Floss

Implant dentures can’t get cavities, but you can be at risk of peri-implantitis if you don’t brush and floss. The infection is like gum disease and can cause dental implant failure. Some implant dentures are removable to make them easier to keep clean.

5. Visit Your Dentist Every 6 Months

Besides brushing and flossing, visit your dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and checkup. They will keep your mouth healthy to ensure your implant dentures last for decades.

Although it might take a few weeks to adjust to your new teeth, you may soon forget they aren’t natural. Your dentist will explain exactly what you can expect on the road ahead and how to make the transition process a breeze.

About Dr. Jeff Yenzer

Dr. Yenzer is a graduate of the University of Missouri in Kansas City and has regularly pursued advanced education in cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, and endodontics. He is enthusiastic about helping each patient achieve their best smile. Request an appointment online or call (636) 549-8020.

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