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Timely Tips: 4 Reasons to Visit Your Dentist Early in the New Year

December 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — yenzerdental @ 6:20 pm
Facial close up of a woman having a dental exam

A new year has is around the corner, and everyone is setting healthy new resolutions for a strong start. While daily visits to the gym and eating healthier are both beneficial, you wouldn’t want to forget about your teeth! If you haven’t already, why not resolve to visit the dentist early next year? Waiting won’t do you any good, and there are plenty of benefits to having a prompt examination. Keep reading for 4 good reasons why it’s a great idea to get your checkup sooner rather than later!

Reason #1: Insurance Benefits Reset

Many dental insurance policies include deductibles that reset as of January 1st. That means there’s a certain dollar value you’ll need to pay before benefits kick in this year. By visiting the dentist early on, you’ll have an opportunity to meet your deductible more quickly so that treatments are covered later in the year. That’s good news because you never know when you might have a dental emergency or develop a cavity or other issue that requires a more complex and costly treatment.

Reason #2: Detect Issues

It’s important to visit your dentist every 6 months for a regular checkup and professional cleaning. Consistent appointments over time help them track your oral condition to identify potential problems early on. For example, you might have a developing cavity that needs to be repaired before tooth decay spreads to your other teeth and jaw. Your dentist has the instruments and expertise to catch address it before it gets that far. Not only that, but they’ll also check for signs of oral cancer as a routine part of your appointment to help you avoid developing this serious health risk.

Reason #3: Enhanced Overall Health

Did you know that gum disease can enter the bloodstream and travel to other areas of your body? It can contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in our country. Gingivitis can be hard to catch on your own because it doesn’t show symptoms until it has progressed to later stages which increases your risk of having it. Your dentist, meanwhile, knows what to look for and how to address it before it advances.

Reason #4: Upgrade Your Smile

Over the holidays it’s easy for regular habits to fall by the wayside due to changes in your schedule at work or school. Nightly brushing and flossing are easily forgotten in the rush of holiday parties and New Year’s celebrations. Even if you did manage to maintain your routine, all the extra sugar and tasty treats of the season are liable to impact your teeth. Unfortunately, many patients start the year with a grin in less-than-ideal condition as a result. Thankfully, you and your dentist can work together to decide on a treatment plan to improve your health and appearance so you can start the new year looking and feeling your best.

With so many advantages, there’s no better time than now to schedule your next dental appointment!

About the Author

Dr. Jeff Yenzer strives to provide patients of all ages with high-quality dental services in a kind and respectful atmosphere. He attended Clemson University on scholarship for his undergraduate degree, then earned his dental degree at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. He is dedicated to enhancing lives by improving oral health and can help with everything from basic checkups to more complicated procedures. If you’d like an appointment, you’re welcome to request one on the website or contact the office at (636) 778-3019.

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